目前分類:流浪風之城 (15)

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Tonight, we went to United Center to watch NBA.

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chris1111 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

now is 11/11/2005 12:00 AM.

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chris1111 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

        Since Chicago White Sox got the ticket for World Series, you can see "Go Sox!" around Chicago. 全芝加哥的人陷入瘋狂. I can imagine that whole city will go crazy while Sox get the champion of World Series.

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Before I came to Chicago, I learned 廚師 is a cooker.

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last night, there was a midterm of "computer in telecommunication system".

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confusing hardware,

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This week is our midterm. I was so nervous about my oral presentation for spoken class. Now I have been through it and I survived. Sandra said I did pretty well. I was not shy and went through very smoothly. I think that I am getting enjoy speaking English but only spoken class. I am kind of terrified about grammar class. I need to learn grammar in English. My grammar quiz always took low scores. I hate that kind of situation. Now I am sitting in the computer lab and think about my grammar midterm tomorrow. Hope that I can survive again!!!! And it’s time to study GRAMMAR….

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好不容易到了,通關也比上次順利,正在慶幸時,等行李等到大家都走了只等到一件,到了美國的第一句竟然是"I lost my baggage"嗚嗚....為了要找行李又東問西問,又繞了好大一趟,好不容易到了UA的櫃檯,確定我的行李delay了,只是不知道在何方。為了要方便找到後送達的地點,地勤人員很好地跟著我出關去找ming,誰知ming以為我在國內線,等錯了地方。所有資料填完見到ming已經是我下飛機一兩個小時後的事了....

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I will miss you guys so much!!!!

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