
聽見 冬天 的離開 我在某年某月醒過來

Hear that Winter Leaves, I wake up in some month of some year 

我想 我等 我期待 未來卻不能因此安排

I think, I wait,  I expect,  but can't arrange the future 

陰天 傍晚 車窗外 未來有一個人在等待

Cloudy day, Evening, Outside the window, A person is waiting in the future

向左 向右 向前看 愛要拐幾個彎才來

Turn Left, Turn Right, Look ahead, how many turns the love should make then come? 

我遇見誰 會有怎樣的對白

I will meet someone,  What kind of dialogue will it have

我等的人 他在多遠的未來

the one that I wait for, will be in how far of the future 

我聽見風 來自地鐵和人海

I hear wind that comes from the subway and a sea of faces 

我排著隊 拿著愛的號碼牌

I am lining up  and holding the number card of the love

我往前飛 飛過一片時間海

I fly forward,  Fly over the sea of time

我們也曾 在愛情備受傷害

We also have been injured in the love

我看著路 夢的入口有點窄

I am looking at the way,  The entry to the dream is a bit narrow

我遇見你 是最美麗的意外

I met you,  It is the most beautiful accident

總有一天 我的謎底會解開

One day in the future,  My answer to a riddle will be untied


(sound track of "turn left, turn right")


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